Je ne suis pas Charlie, mais…
I could never be Charlie. I just
don't agree that it can ever be good gratuitously to trash other
people. I'm not trying to protect islam from debate - for example, it teaches
that Jesus never died on the cross, which is essential to the Christian
relationship with God, and incidentally is also a matter of well grounded
historical fact. But it is for the very reason that God is the kind of God who
gives Himself for others that it can't be right to go around abusing people. He
cares about them – enough to die for them, whether they acknowledge it or not.
Nor am I against satire. How can I
be when the greatest English satirist, Jonathan Swift, was a clergyman in the
Church of England, like me. But his satire had moral purpose. Swift attacked the
unconcern with which Englishmen stood by while Irish children starved to death.
He attacked the cant* with which hypocrites dressed up their double standards.
He attacked the wilful ignorance and fanatical destructive zeal which sadly seem
to be coming around again in our own day. But as far as I can tell Charlie's
cartoons weren't about any of those things. Petty nastiness is not the same as
true satire.
Freedom of expression means people
have the right of course to express themselves even if they only have tawdry
things to say. Very bad things happen to societies that suppress these freedoms.
When freedom goes, sooner or later it will be my own Christian beliefs that are
on the line.
Yet we need also to see the big
picture. What is freedom of speech there for? Surely so that anyone can freely
ask the big questions about life, that we can hold our own convictions and
share them with others without fear, that we can poke fun at hypocrisy and
evil, that we can take part in the big debates about how our country should be
run and how we should live. This is the dignity and responsibility of being
human. As humans we need to take part with others in defining our political, moral
and spiritual landscapes. The Bible story of the creation of humans shows that God expects us to do this. "You are made in my image, so go into the world and take charge. Look after it for me..."
Having freedom of speech means of
course that the less dignified and less responsible are also free to express
themselves. In fact we curb that liberty in some instances. The old principle -
that my freedom ends where it takes away the freedom of another – has been
extended to vocal and written expression too. Sanctions are applied when people
humiliate others because of their race or gender, or falsely defame them in such a way
as to cause real harm to their interests. I'm not saying that Charlie should be
suppressed, just that they have shown plenty of liberté but precious little fraternité.
Perhaps the best use for freedom of
expression is to ask questions. So here are some.
1. Which is
the worse blasphemy against God? To draw a stupid picture? Or to burn alive someone
made in His image? Actions speak louder than words…
2. What would I.S.
do differently if they worshipped Satan rather than God?
3. How can
people who carry out the most appalling acts of violence imagine they are going
to heaven rather than to hell?
4. Why would
anyone want to go to heaven anyway if it means living forever with a god of
5. When you
suppress other belief systems by force, isn't it because you are afraid to meet
them in open debate?
6. When you
force people to convert at gunpoint, aren't you just demonstrating that nobody in
their right mind would do so of their own free will?
Jonathan Swift - our greatest satirist.
* What a wonderful word cant is. What a pity it is used so little nowadays when there's so much more of it about.