Thursday 20 February 2014

St Andrew's website

We are having trouble updating information on St Andrew's website, so I am using this blog for some items and putting others on the St Andrew's facebook pages. Items for Horton, including Dyer & Butler's memo, should appear in the normal way on St Michael's website.

Please see a memo from Dyer & Butler, one of the many agencies who have given us incredible support here in Wraysbury, a bit further down this post, which I was asked to put on the website by Cllr Colin Rayner. We know that a huge number of organisations of all kinds have contributed to rescuing us in our time of need. We would love to hear from any of you and would be delighted to post up your messages.

The past seven months since I arrived in Horton and Wraysbury have been the most eventful of my 25 years of ministry as a vicar! First they wanted to concrete Wraysbury over for a new runway, and no sooner do we beat that one off than two lots of floods arrive! Whatever next!

But the community spirit I have seen at work here has more than made up for all the pressures. When I see the awesome way people have come together and given everything to get each other through this emergency, I cannot help feeling that I have come to the right place! God bless Horton and Wraysbury.

Here's Dyer & Butler's thoughts:

A message from Dyer & Butler Heathrow Branch

Flood Relief Works in Wraysbury, Datchet, Windsor and Chertsey: Thursday 13/02/14 & Friday 14/02/2014

A six-man crew from The Dyer & Butler Heathrow Winter Resilience team recently supported the local councils of Wraysbury, Datchet and Windsor along with the Army to provide aid to the local communities who were severely affected by recent flooding. During the 13th and 14th February, Dyer & Butler employed two teams that contributed by supplying 7.5 tonne lorries, an inflatable boat, over 15 tons of sand and 1500 sand bags.

The Dyer & Butler team began on the 13th of February in Wraysbury, supporting the local police and fire services as well as the Army by delivering 800 sand bags to remote residential properties at risk of flooding.  Throughout the day the team assisted relief efforts in Datchet, Eton and Windsor by providing and placing an additional 700 sand bags.

On the morning of 14th the team again began in Wraysbury, but responded to an emergency call from nearby Chertsey as the water level was approaching critical levels and threatening the town centre. In response the team supplied 10 tons of sand bags to mitigate the risk posed to the historic area. The team was pleased to be able to be part of such a positive cause and was received warmly by the local communities.

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