Friday 18 April 2014

What do we make of Jesus?

Good Friday reflection at St Michael's Horton today.

What do we make of Jesus on this Good Friday? Let's stand with 3 people who had to make up their minds about him on that first Good Friday: Caiaphas the Chief Priest, Pontius Pilate the Roman Governor, and Herod King of Galilee…

Caiaphas says:

What am I to make of you Jesus? You are a threat! You come marching into my city as if you own the place! Saying you're David's Son – It was David's Son Solomon who founded my Temple! So sure enough, you march into my Temple too. You throw out the money changers – that's my livelihood you are messing with there. You sit down and teach the people – teaching them is our job, not yours! You couldn't make it plainer that you are taking over – you even say it's "Your Father's House." Well I'm telling you it's ours, we're in charge here. And then you insult us, call us hypocrites, in front of everybody. Well, what did you expect? You're a threat! I have no choice but to get rid of you.

So what about us?

What do we make of Jesus? Are we threatened when he asserts his sovereignty? To be our Master and Lord? To be our judge? To take charge of our lives? To demand that we take up our cross? Is Jesus a threat to us?

Pilate says:

What am I to make of you Jesus? You are an embarrassment! Why don't you realise what an impossible situation you've put me in? I don't want to kill you – my wife had a terrible dream about you, and I have a horrible suspicion in my heart that you might just be who you say you are. But I have so many people to please. I can't upset the priests – without their influence Jerusalem would be ungovernable. I can't risk the crowds rioting either – they all seem to want you for their King – or do they? And I certainly can't upset my bosses in Rome. If law and order break down here, that's the end of my career. Which lot do I please? You are an embarrassment Jesus!

So what about us?

What do we make of Jesus? Is he an embarrassment? Would we sooner our friends didn't know we follow him? Will they think I'm a fool? Or weak, needing a crutch? Are we caught between one world, where Jesus reigns, and another? Wanting to follow, but frightened to be seen to follow? Keep him somewhere safe! Lock him up in church all week where no-one can see and just fetch him out on Sundays. Is Jesus an embarrassment to us?

Herod says:

What am I to make of you Jesus? I expected some entertainment from you. I've heard about your miracles – so when it came down to it, why won't you do one for me? You could at least have had a cosy theological chat with me, like the ones I had with your cousin John – pity about him. Then again, come to think of it, he was a bit on the dull side. But you – you won't even say anything! Where's your amazing teaching suddenly got to? Well I'm bored. As far as I am concerned Pilate and the priests can do what they like with you.

So what about us?

What do we make of Jesus? Is he just there for our entertainment? To make us feel better when the enormous questions about life, death and eternity come too close for comfort? Have we got used to him, picking out the bits we like and ignoring the inconvenient bits? Is he just one more experience among many - and after a bit we move on to the next experience? What about our worship – is he at the centre? Or are we just entertaining ourselves with the hymn tunes we like, the preacher who says what we want to hear, the people who we feel are our sort? Is Jesus really just there for our entertainment?

But the central person, as ever in the Gospel story, is Jesus.

What do you make of us, Lord Jesus?

As you stand there quietly, head bowed, we desperately try to fill the silence with our volume of empty words: "Don't threaten my way of life! Don't challenge me! Don't embarrass me in front of my friends! Don't ask me to take up my cross! Don't bore me! Gave me a safe, comfortable easy life…"

And I wonder as our words come rattling out before you, who is judging who? Our words tumble fruitless into the vast serenity of your silence. They seem so petty before your nobility, your compassion, your patient suffering, your amazing gift of love.

What do you make of us, Lord Jesus?


Benta AtSLIKstitches said...

Thanks for this, food for thought. Sorry I was away for the Easter services - I went to catholic mass yesterday - that was an experience!

Benta AtSLIKstitches said...

Thanks for this, food for thought. Sorry I was away for the Easter services - I went to catholic mass yesterday - that was an experience!